Thursday, March 27, 2008

The day has finally come, and the first book has been released. After waiting so long for the book to be illustrated and produced, my sister Kristyn finally has a book out there on the shelves. We are so proud! We hope that those of you looking for a new book for your kids will consider Cool Daddy Rat! And, if you like Cool Daddy Rat, don't worry, she has at least two more books being published!


Stephanie said...

How cool! That's awesome! I'll have to check out her books!

Jarom and Melissa said...

Tell her congratulations for us. I'll have to check it out. As a teacher and a expecting mom, I love children's books. Thanks for the recommendation.
-- Melissa

The Cahoons! said...

That is so awesome! I love children's books, so I would love to support your sister!

Amy said...

Any support for her book would be awesome! We still need to order ours...we're also going to ask some book stores to special order it so there will be some in the stores. Jason's sister is so talented and we are very proud of her.