Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Toiletpaper Thief!

You know that moment when you are busy doing something and all of a sudden you realize it is quiet and you don't hear your child. Well, this was one of those moments and when I went to check on her, I realized I had left the bathroom door open and there she was. A huge smile on her face and a huge wad of toiletpaper in her hands. A classic moment that I had to share. Who can get angry at that face. Plus, it was still usable. :-)


SmithFamily said...

Too funny! Just be glad she didn't play in the toilet.

Jarom and Melissa said...

Hahah. Good thing she hasn't figured out how to put it *IN* the toilet and then flush it down. You can't reuse it when it stops up the pipe and overflows onto the floor. =)

whitneyingram said...

That is adorable!!!! You are good mom for not freaking out and enjoying the moment!

Stephanie said...

I know what you mean about the quiet being a bad sign. I found Diego covered in Desitin one day. He had it on his face, in his hair, all over his seems that kids know when they're being naughty so they get quiet to hide it. How sneaky they are at such a young age!

SPENCERS said...

Baby mischief can be so much fun! I second the comments above--luckily the toilet wasn't involved, but that, too, I'm sure will come! Way cute!

Melissa said...

I have to hand it to the girl, she's not only smart, she's sneaky. She's adorable, as always.