Okay everyone, since I was dumb and decided to give my blog a web address that didn't capture future additions to our family, we have changed our address to rileyruckus.blogspot.com. Sorry for any inconvenience. Going forward there should be no reason for us to change our web address. Love to all.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wild, Wild West!
Jason and I were invited to celebrate our friend, Jenn Broderick's, 30th Birthday a couple weeks ago. This wasn't any normal, run of the mill birthday party, however. This was a Mystery Dinner Party and the theme was a Poker Tournament held in the good 'ole Wild West. So Jason and I were assigned to play certain characters and it was asked that you get dressed up. So, we did along with everyone else who came to the party and a great time was had by all. The food was delicious and the company was fun, even if we were discussing a murder (Jason was the victim).
So, thanks to the Hartmans and Tyson who hosted the party! We had such an awesome time, and thanks to Karissa for watching Kamryn for us that night! We are blessed with such rad friends. (I've really been into that word lately).
I got Jason a fake cigar....I think he enjoyed it too much. :-)
The Sheriff with the businessman (who ended up dead).
The birthday girl with her bartender husband, Tyson.
An outlaw with his woman....who used to be someone else's woman, etc.....
The hosts of the party who let us use their home.
Posted by Amy at 12:20 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Picking the perfect Tree
Every year, Jason and I debate about whether we should get a fake tree or get us another real tree and so far, the real tree has one out every time. I'm assuming it will keep winning each year until maybe we're older and the kids are gone from the house....we have a ways to go with that.
We just can't get enough of that fresh pine scent and the fun we have going to a lot and picking out the "perfect tree." Kamryn enjoys it too!
Posted by Amy at 12:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Zee greatest zinger in da world!!!!!
Thanks to my husband Jason (and a little guilt tripping by his wife) I was able to attend the Celine Dion concert the first week of December. This has been a dream of mine for a long time. I always thought that I would see her concert in Vegas but time flew by and that never happened. So, when I found out she was going on tour I knew it had to be now and never. So, it was now! Of course, Jason is not the hugest Celine Dion fan which is understandable considering her music is mostly love ballads and such so I was able to take a friend with me. Karissa had recently taken me to see "Wicked" so I thought I would return the favor. She is a huge Celine Dion fan like myself so we had a great time together!
Here is a video of her singing her new hit, "Taking Chances," just in case anyone cares to listen to one of the greatest singing voices of our time. :-) Enjoy! Oh, and please forgive the video movement. I couldn't help but move with the beat.
Posted by Amy at 8:52 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thankful for Thanksgiving!
I figured most of you were tired of looking at ultrasound pictures being that most of them look more like an alien than a baby. So, I'm finally gettin' around to posting some Thanksgiving pictures. We spent it in Arizona with my brother Jeremy and his family, my brother Aaron and his wife Whitney, and my Mom. We had such a fantastic time. I am blessed with sister in laws who can really cook. :-)
Our wonderful hosts! Thanks Jeremy and Mary for hosting such a wonderful weekend!
Aaron and Whitney intently working on baking a scrumptious Apple Pie. Seriously, one of the best I've ever had.
Some of us gathered at the beautifully decorated table. Such good eats too!
Kamryn has slept through her past two Thanksgivings. She pretty much slept through this one also but was able to join us right at the end. Of course, she wouldn't try anything.
Posted by Amy at 3:28 PM 4 comments