Wednesday morning I went down to a small toddler park in Tustin, CA (where I grew up) and met up with some of my good friends (Paige, Steph, and Collette). It was so good to see them all and I am glad we have already planned the next one because I want to be sure we keep in touch. Anyway, here are our kids looking so cute sitting at the Picnic Table.
Here are the two Kamryns. Yes, we both named our girls Kamryn, except Paige's girls name is spelled Kameryn. So, a small difference. By the time we realized we both wanted to use the same name we were close to having the babies and neither of us wanted to change there you have it. :-) If you click on the picture you will see a nice sheen on Kamryn's face. That's from the sunblock stick. My poor fair skinned child.
Kamryn must have had a great time at the park because she zonked out in the car. She was so tired she even fell asleep with that magna doodle pen in her mouth. Who needs a pacifier or a thumb these days...Oh, and don't worry, I was stopped at red light when I took this picture.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Playdate in The OC
Posted by Amy at 10:32 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A classic look!
Just had to share this adorable shot of Kamryn. It was her first time she showed a desire to sort of "dress up." She loved being a butterfly.
Always lovin' her Daddy!
Posted by Amy at 8:11 PM 6 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
It just keeps coming back!
Two separate tags rolled into one........
The rules of the game are
Copy and paste this into your blog. Answer the questions and at the end of the post, tag some people and post their names, then go to their blog and leave them a comment letting them know they are tagged.
HUM I Tag:
Stephanie Martinez
Sara Mayer
Posted by Amy at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
Counting and Singing!
Okay, so she isn't exactly counting, but she sure believes she is. She uses actual numbers, just not in the proper order. We just had to show her new "sort of" achievement."
In this next video, she shows off her itsy, bitsy skills. I put "singing" in the title, but unfortunately, Kamryn has yet to show off her vocal abilities. So I am the one doing the singing. She does, however, have the hand actions down and she loves cheering herself on.
Posted by Amy at 11:52 PM 6 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Some picture perfect moments!
I just had to share some adorable pictures of my ever growing, not quite a baby anymore, darling daughter. This first one is a precious daddy/daughter moment. Kamryn was still sick when I took this picture. She pretty much lived in a diaper and slept anywhere. She hasn't slept on Daddy's chest since she was an infant. So, this was a special moment for Jason. Even though he slept through most of it.
Valentines Day came and Kamryn was still you can see that she wasn't appreciating me trying to get her to open her present and act happy. Could be she was embarrased being in her unmatching pajamas. (Jason and I had a lowkey Valentines this year, but we enjoyed eating our Chilis take-out at home and watching "Fever Pitch," a romantic comedy that both boy and girl can enjoy together. Love Jimmy Fallon in this flick..)
She finally got over it and realized something fun was under that pretty paper. She loves her Mickey Mouse Puzzle.
This is what I love. Leaving her crib mattress on the ground and realizing that for her, that was the best thing I could have done that day. She had a heyday playing on her mattress with all her stuffed animals..
Posted by Amy at 11:20 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
It's Birthday Time again!
So, both my older brothers have birthdays in February. I did a birthday shout out to John last week, so this week I'm going to dedicate this post to my other older brother, Jeremy. Today is his birthday and since he lives far away in Gilbert, AZ and I can't celebrate with him, this is the best way I know how to celebrate his birth. :-) Here he is with his beautiful family, and they have another baby boy on the way.
Check out his moves....The force is with him.
He's a great uncle!
FONDEST MEMORY OF MY BROTHER: Besides the many times I've spent on the piano or him at the guitar with us singing together I have something more specific. It was, oh, about 9 years ago....maybe longer. My brother and I created our own fake studio, with stool, microphone, headphones and everything. We fake recorded "Endless Love" by Lionel Richie and that chick who sings with him. Yeah, it may have been cheesy but how many of you would have been so creative...and at such an older age. :-) I have pictures...but I will just leave it up to your imaginations. (Plus, I would have to search for them, then scan them, etc....too much work people).
So Happy Birthday, Gerbil (long story). Just know that your little sister loves ya, even when you look like a freak!
Posted by Amy at 12:44 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
They Shall Return!
They are saying "The Office" will return on April 10th. I am already counting down the days. Yes, I admit, I may be a little too excited to have a TV show come back on....but this is "The Office" people. A sitcom this clever and engaging and freakin' hilarious hasn't been around since "Cheers" went off the air. So, if you have yet to get yourselves hooked on a decent sitcom, this one comes HIGHLY recommended.
Michael Scott: "Bros before hoes. Why? Because your bros are always there for you. They got your back after your ho rips your heart out for no good reason. And you were nothing but great to your ho, and you told her that she was the only ho for you. And that she was better than all the other hoes in the world. And then suddenly...she's not yo' ho no mo."
I rest my case.
Posted by Amy at 11:41 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Birthday shout out to my oldest brother...
My brother John's birthday was yesterday and I decided to dedicate this special post just for him. (My friend, Whitney, does this with her family and I thought it was a great idea, so yes, I am copying your idea). I also thought this was a good way to introduce my brother to my friends who have never met him before.
John William Johnson, born February 11th and no, I don't remember the year. And John is probably fine with me not announcing that. :-) He is my oldest brother and currently he resides in a small town in Oregon. He loves anything that allows him to be outdoors and he loves having a beard. Here he is sitting with my younger brother, Aaron at Christmas a couple years back.
He shaved his beard that night for our family picture the next day. He was surprising my Mom, but funny story, the first thing she noticed was how nice his new sweater looked on him. :-) The picture below is him clean-shaven with our nieces, Megan and Brooklyn, and our nephew, Brandon. Some of my fondest memories of John go back to when I was younger and John was still living at home. Some of his buddies would come over and they would play on the guitar and sing and I just loved listening to them. I also love his nickname for me...Amylou. So, Happy Birthday Johnnypooh (okay, not quite as cute...but when I was younger it was all I came up with). Love you brother! Hope you have a fabulous year.
Posted by Amy at 8:36 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
We hate seeing Kamryn like this.
Jason and I went to check on Kamryn yesterday afternoon, since she had been napping for 3 1/2 hours (which actually is not that unusual for Kamryn) and when we went into check on her we immediately saw that she had thrown up all over her bed and she was just laying there, half awake and hadn't made a sound. She just threw up and lay there. We picked her up to go clean her and noticed she was burning up. We took her temperature and were shocked to see that she was 104.8!!! Jason and I stayed as calm as we could while Jason called the doctor. I just wanted to take her to the emergency room, but it was better that we didn't. The doctor said this has been going around and that her fever would probably be high for the next couple of days. (We've done our best to keep it down with Motrin, cool baths and washcloths, and she has been drinking pedialyte and water)
Kamryn has had the croup before, and a double ear infection but she has never been completely knocked down before. She has been so lethargic and just laying anywhere we put her...she most likes to be laying on us, which we like too. Needless to say, it has been a long night and it breaks our hearts to see her so tired and miserable. Right now, she is reading books with Daddy and she is chattering like her old self again. A good sign so I'm hoping she is past the worst. And can I just say how grateful I am to have the priesthood in my home and to have so many people close by who can assist in blessings. I love the gospel and I love my Heavenly Father and Savior for giving us this gift.
Oh, and one funny (yet sad and annoying story)....I, of course, had to do laundry last night since she had thrown up on her three blankets, puppy, and sheet. Once I had finished cleaning them, I approached Kamryn with one of her blankets to hold and the MINUTE I brought it to her she looked at it and just threw up all over it again. It was literally just out of the dryer....and back in the wash it went. Its times like this where I really wished I had my own washer/dryer. Some day....
Posted by Amy at 1:50 PM 10 comments
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Tribute to the Lands!
This week, Jason and I and many others helped the Lands pack up and move to their new rental home in Colton. We know that its not that far, but we will miss having them in our ward and I'll miss being able to walk over to Jessica's and hang out whenever I needed to get out of my apartment. They are good friends and we hope that we will stay in touch. Enjoy your new place guys! We'll miss you.... (Oh and sorry Lilly, somehow I never got any good pictures of you).
If you look closely you can see Jessica in the teacup sporting the nice looking sunglasses. :-)
Posted by Amy at 12:26 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
The New First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Posted by Amy at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 04, 2008
The Riley Family Endorsement....
After months of indecision, Jason and I have finally decided on the candidate we will vote for tomorrow on Super Tuesday. We have both never been sure about Mitt and didn't want to vote for him just because he was a member of our faith. At one point, Jason was leaning towards Huckabee and I was looking at McCain as a possible candidate. However, after a few comments from Huckabee that Jason disliked and after me realizing that McCain wasn't all that I hoped he was we both took a closer look at Romney and decided he was the best candidate. Last weeks debates made it even more clear. Anyhow, whether you decide to vote for Romney or not just wanted to make sure everyone goes out tomorrow and votes. We are privileged to have this right and its important we exercise it. :-) So get out there and make a difference!!
Posted by Amy at 9:12 AM 5 comments
Friday, February 01, 2008
Now I remember why I don't want to move to Utah...
Last weekend, my mom, my sister and her two boys, myself and Kamryn drove up to Utah for my niece's wedding. Yes, I left Jason at home but it was at his request. He just felt like he couldn't take off work. Anyway, when we got there I was reminded why I decided I never wanted to live there. And there was lots around to remind me. I do NOT like snow. Never have, probably never will. Oh, I don't mind the snow when it first starts falling and yes, it does look pretty and it sounds cool under your feet....but its wet and cold. Wet and cold. That is a bad combination. However, my daughter does not share the same distaste for the white stuff. She wasn't jumping in it or anything, but she loved touching it and walking on it and she just liked looking at it. And I had to stand out in the cold and watch. It was fun for about two minutes...For Kamryn, it was longer.
Even in just a church dress...she still loved the snow.
My nephews definitely loved the snow. Maybe I needed one of those snow suits.
Posted by Amy at 2:57 PM 6 comments