Friday, February 01, 2008

Now I remember why I don't want to move to Utah...

Last weekend, my mom, my sister and her two boys, myself and Kamryn drove up to Utah for my niece's wedding. Yes, I left Jason at home but it was at his request. He just felt like he couldn't take off work. Anyway, when we got there I was reminded why I decided I never wanted to live there. And there was lots around to remind me. I do NOT like snow. Never have, probably never will. Oh, I don't mind the snow when it first starts falling and yes, it does look pretty and it sounds cool under your feet....but its wet and cold. Wet and cold. That is a bad combination. However, my daughter does not share the same distaste for the white stuff. She wasn't jumping in it or anything, but she loved touching it and walking on it and she just liked looking at it. And I had to stand out in the cold and watch. It was fun for about two minutes...For Kamryn, it was longer.

Even in just a church dress...she still loved the snow.

My nephews definitely loved the snow. Maybe I needed one of those snow suits.


michelle taggart said...

i'm with you amy on the snow. yes it's gorgeous, and looks pretty on the ruff tops of houses, but it's so dang cold, and so much work!! we for sure belong is!!

Stephanie said...

I forget what snow is, and I'm not sad about it. Cute pictures! She looks like regular little snow bunny! You look hot Amy!

Shannon said...


Jarom and Melissa said...

Come on, Amy, it's not that bad! Driving in the snow for the last two weeks, I've come to appreciate the white stuff. We certainly wish you'd move though I don't think you'll ever be convinced.
-- Melissa

courtney said...

she looks so cute all bundled up! make sure to post a photo when you get yourself one of those snowsuits...

Guy Incognito said...

I have 4 feet of snow on my front lawn. Driving over by D's and P's house in Highland, there is about a 12 foot wall of snow on either side of the main road created by the plows. It's scary driving next to them cause you feel like they could fall on top of your car and bury you. Nicole hates the wet/cold combo too. She is a true Californian. However...I LOVE THE SNOW! I love cold weather. When I go back to visit Cali, I feel like I am drowning in the humidity and heat. Of course, after a few days and all that goes away the weather is so perfect. I guess I could go either way. Next time you are in town, give us a call.