The guy sitting in the chair is my older brother, Jeremy. He is wearing my Dad's sweater and reading out of my Dad's scriptures. This is our way of keeping his memory alive during Christmas. He always made sure that his children understood the true meaning of Christmas. We miss you Dad.....
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas in Arizona, Part III
The guy sitting in the chair is my older brother, Jeremy. He is wearing my Dad's sweater and reading out of my Dad's scriptures. This is our way of keeping his memory alive during Christmas. He always made sure that his children understood the true meaning of Christmas. We miss you Dad.....
Posted by Amy at 9:14 PM 4 comments
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas in Arizona, Part II
Okay, so I thought I would get this trip from Arizona posted a lot quicker on the blog than I have...sorry to keep everyone in suspense (cause admit it, you know you were.) :-) Anyway, the next day on our trip was Sunday so, of course, we spent the morning at church. My brother's ward begins at 8am....and we got there on time! It was an amazing accomplishment. Sunday evening, we got everyone bundled up again and headed out to see the Mesa Temple Christmas Lights. They were pretty awesome and we had a great time spending time together checking out the lights and listening to the choir they had performing. However, we weren't expecting the HUGE crowd there and we got caught in the worst spot trying to get back to the parking lot. It felt worse than Disneyland. Needless to say, we were exhausted when we got home and we all went right to bed....well, most of us did.
Kamryn loves being on her Daddy's shoulders. How awesome is her smile!
We love this family! We miss you guys!
Posted by Amy at 10:36 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas in Arizona, Part I cont....
After dinner at Pinnacle Peak, we went to a Train Park. We learned quickly that this was an extremely popular park, especially on a Saturday night during the holidays, because the line to go on the big train was 2 hours long. It was freezing outside too, so we decided to opt for sanity and not wait for the train. However, there was a smaller train and the line was a lot smaller too so we did wait the half hour or so for that one. I know my niece and nephew had a great time on the train, and I probably would have too...except that my face was frozen and Kamryn kept trying to get up from her seat because she was not enjoying the train at all.
But she enjoyed everything else about the park. She loved the lights and random characters they had walking around. And she loved spending time with her cousins and Aunt and Uncle. And so did was a wonderful Saturday night!
Posted by Amy at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Christmas in Arizona, Part I
This year, Jason, Kamryn and I spent Christmas in Arizona at my brothers house. We had such a WONDERFUL time and that has mostly to do with the fact that my brother, Jeremy, really knows how to make Christmas special. Also, he and his wife, Mary are great hosts and reallly made us feel at home. Thanks guys!
Well, we arrived in Arizona Friday afternoon. That evening, Jason and my brother, Jeremy, along with a couple of his buddies went to see "I Am Legend." I had no desire to see that movie so I was glad Jason would be able to see it and didn't need me to come with him. When they came home and described the movie to us, I was even doubly grateful that I didn't have to go. I spent the evening with my sister-in-law, Mary and we watched "Serendipity." Now, that's a good movie. :-)
The following day was Saturday and we spent most of the day either doing last minute shopping or just hanging out at the house. But that evening, Jeremy and Mary planned a special trip. We all climbed into their minivan and they drove us out to Scottsdale. This is about a 40 minute trip, if not longer but it was worth it. We went to dinner at a place called Pinnacle Peak. Now, they actually have one in San Dimas but the one we went to was so much better. The inside and outside of the restaurant really had that cowboy feel. This one even had a gift shop and a display of rattlesnakes. Anyway, after dinner there was some live music and dancing which was fun. I got some cute pictures of Jason and Kamryn dancing. There is also one of my sister-in-law, Mary and my nephew Ethan dancing along. We really had a great time.
Posted by Amy at 9:19 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
It finally happened!
I've seen this going around different blogs wondering if I would ever be the "victim" of this tagging hysteria...and bam, it happens. And as much as I think I hate all of this stuff, I really do enjoy answering the questions. Especially when it comes to the love of my life. Thanks Whitney!
1. What is his name? Jason Lewis Riley
2. How long have you been married? It will be 4 years in May (so we are at 3 1/2 years)
3. How long did you date? We dated for about 6 months and were engaged for a little less than 5 months. If it was up to Jason, it would have been shorter. I, however, had issues. Long story.
4. Who eats more? Sadly, that would probably be me. I can keep up, eating wise, with Jason pretty well, but for a guy, he isn't that heavy of an eater so maybe its not saying much.
5. Who said 'I love you' first? Jason. I remember when I first heard him say it I flushed
6. Who sings better? I feel weird answering this question, but when I told Jason about it he said "no contest" meaning that I am the better singer. But Jason has a really nice bass voice.
7. Who is taller? We are pretty close on that one, but Jason is officially at least 1 inch taller than me.
8. Whose temper is worse? Oh, that would be mine for sure.
9. Who does the laundry? We fight over who has to do it, but we are pretty good to take turns. Who would want to do laundry when you had to go outside and go down two flights of stairs...
10. Who does the dishes? That would be me. Every once in awhile, Jason does surprise me and does them for me. I just LOVE him on those nights.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? (Looking at it) Me. Don't know why, its just the way it has been.
12. Who does the cooking? Mostly me. But whenever we want breakfast for dinner, or a good bbq, then it is all Jason.
13. Who is more stubborn? Not proud of it, but it would be me.
14. Who proposed? Jason. On top of the Eiffel Tower building in Vegas. Gorgeous view and such an awesome night!
15. Who is more likely to admit when they are wrong? We are actually both pretty good at being able to admit to being wrong.
16. Whose parents do you see the most? It used to be Jason's. We would head over there every Sunday night for dinner. But now, since they moved to Utah, it will be pretty equal since both our parents are in Utah.
17. Who pays the bills? I DO!! When I was pregnant and sick with Kamryn, Jason took over paying the bills and yes, he would pay them on time...but our checkbook was pure chaos when I took over again. Never again. (But I love you honey!)
18. Who wears the pants in the family? We both love wearing pants. Its pretty equal, but every once in awhile things lean my way..
19. Why do you love your husband? Because he's hot! What other reason could there be. Well, I actually have lots of reasons. He makes me feel beautiful, he loves scratching my back, he gives me the best kisses, he enjoys seeing shows on stage, like "Wicked" and "Les Miserables", he takes good care of me when I'm sick, he is a wonderful Daddy to Kamryn and he is a worthy priesthood holder who loves the Saviour. I love you babe!!! :-)
I am tagging: My wonderful sister-in-law, Janelle Fruge and Ashley Cahoon
Posted by Amy at 12:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
An almost perfect evening!
On Monday night, our little family met up with a bunch of good friends from our ward to go see the Christmas Lights on a street in Alta Loma that gets ALL decked out. There were seven families in total and we met at the church building first to enjoy some cookies, hot cocoa and good conversation. The one glitch came when we were just about ready to leave to go see the lights....Kamryn took a bad spill off a speed bump she was walking over and whacked the back of her head on the ground of the parking lot. Luckily, she was wearing a beanie and I think that helped because the way she fell, it should have been worse than it was. I think she had a tiny bump, but there was no bleeding luckily. She cried for awhile and it took us time to calm her down. But, we finally did and we were all able to enjoy the rest of the evening.
Here is the speed bump she took a spill on....
Kamryn was really into looking at all the cool lights. Here she is all bundled up...
On the way home, we let Kamryn have a chocolate chip cookie...I think she really enjoyed it. :-)
Posted by Amy at 4:27 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
O Christmas Tree
Here's our Christmas Tree in two different lightings. As you can see, it is sparsely decorated and most ornaments are towards the top. That would be due to our 16 month toddler....but we love this tree. Jason did a good job picking it out. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Posted by Amy at 9:13 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christmas Tree Picking
Kamryn had a blast running around the Christmas Tree lot. We got our tree the first weekend in December and we have been enjoying its wonderful fresh pine scent. I could never do a fake tree.....
Posted by Amy at 8:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Blog Withdrawals
61%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
This is kind of funny, had I taken this about two to three months ago I'm sure it would've been higher. Click on the picture to see how addicted you are.
Posted by Jason at 8:38 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Wedding Ring Miracle!!!
Yesterday on the way to church, I realized that my wedding ring was not on my hand. I didn't panic right away, since I figured maybe I had taken it off when I put on lotion earlier that morning (even though, I didn't remember doing that). So, I made it through church and when I got home, I went right to my bathroom sink, figuring it would be sitting there. Well, it wasn't and it wasn't anywhere around me. So, THEN I went into panic mode. Jason and I both said prayers and really started looking.
Jason and I went on a hunt, overturning every cushion, looking under every piece of furniture bathroom/kitchen fixtures. We even tried to look down drains and dig through trash. I figured that what had happened was that it had slipped off my finger somewhere in the house, since I could have sworn I had it on the night before at our Ward Christmas Party. (My fingers shrink in the cold and my ring always feels loose, so it had slipped off somewhere from the apartment to the car, was my best guess) Jason searched both cars, I looked all around the bed....NOTHING. To top it all off, I was feeling guilty because Jason was needing to study for finals but he knew how upset I was so he kept searching. I finally went to bed at 12:30am and I don't even know when Jason went to bed.
The next morning, Jason woke me up and was acting really strange, like he was nervous or excited or something. He started to tell me how much he loved me and what a great wife and mother I was. Then he said, "If I were to find your ring, would you marry me again?" I just looked at him, said "yes" of course and then he smiled and pulled out the ring. I felt like we were getting engaged all over again and I started crying. I was sooo excited that he had found the ring. He said he had left for work and was walking to the car when he looked down and BAM, next to the tire of our neighbors car was the ring. He just looked down and there it was. Talk about an answer to our prayers. I had been getting frustrated the night before that after we prayed we couldn't find it right away, but Jason so sweetly reminded me that it was in the Lord's time. He was right, of course. I will never let that ring out of my sight I think downsizing may be the next step. I still can't believe it just slipped right off my finger.
Posted by Amy at 12:56 PM 6 comments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
She always finds a way....
Kamryn is always wanting to get up to our computer desk and see what she can get her hands on and the other day she found a way to do it. I had decorated the apartment for Christmas and we had a bunch of boxes still lying around. Well, she found the perfect one, pushed it over to the desk and then climbed on top of it. I couldn't help but be impressed.
Posted by Amy at 12:35 PM 3 comments