Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Walking in her Mommy's footsteps!

Kamryn has a new "thing." She enjoys walking around in Mommy and Daddy's shoes. These pictures are of her in my shoes and considering how small her feet are and how large mine are she does pretty well in them.

Here she is truly following in my footsteps. We were over at the Bartletts last week and Clint took out his guitar and started playing. Wow, did Kamryn ever love that. She was dancing to his music and strumming on the guitar with him. (By the way, for those of you who know Clint...he is a great singer. Very Jack Johnsonesque) All of a sudden, I felt like an idiot. I had a wonderful guitar, given to me by my parents, just sitting at home dying to be played again. Kamryn has never heard my play the guitar because I have been a loser and not touched since I got pregnant...if not longer. So, thanks to Clint for inspiring me to bring the guitar out once again. Its something I can share with my daughter and its a talent I've been putting on the back burner for way too long. So, here's to starting it up again. Lets hope I can keep it up because it is something I have really missed doing. :-)


michelle taggart said...

ethan loves trying to put my high heals on all the time! it freaks eric out! his like, give him a baseball or something, not your shoes!!! --------men!

Stephanie said...

Teach me to play!

Jarom and Melissa said...

That's hilarious. I love that she likes to dance and walk in your shoes. Good for you for taking out the guitar again. Kamryn will love that.
-- Melissa